ACCEPTING DEPOSITS AKC Weimaraner puppies, Babies going home on March/April!
(770) 286-3427 AKC Weimaraner Breeder
ACCEPTING DEPOSITS AKC Weimaraner puppies, Babies going home on March/April!
(770) 286-3427 AKC Weimaraner Breeder
The raw hides don't seem to get chewed up or broken down all the way, maybe not taken away, when they become small, then the pup ends up swallowing a large piece, what remains becomes lodged in their throat.
Besides that, you can buy commercial treats all you want. This is your baby you are taking home. I'm just here to offer my thoughts. :)
Now, The way I see it. We most likely already have their human grade natural treats in our fridge or on the counter. Any of these can be given frozen, raw or dehydrated. Most love them and Ice too! I must warn, if you have a garden or go on hikes, they will eat off trees and bushes! They know what's good for them. :)
Peanut butter- the super treat. ;)
and more, Just give it to them and see what they like. We all have different taste buds.
MEAT- RAW or COOKED or DEHYDRATED(no cooked chicken bone)
Clean out your fridge/freezer once a week and ask grandma and godmother to think about your baby too. Know a good hunter? Chop up the food you're not going to eat, into bite size pieces and freeze for future treats. You made a big breakfast and two pieces of sausage remain? Throw that in the treat bag that's in the freezer as well. The best, healthy, already purchased treats. :) Hey and if baby pup is teething, do you know what he would love? A nice piece of frozen meat! Yeah, boy!
Take in account our love's treats in his daily eating. Watch that waistline. :) oh and hurry to take him potty, you know he just ate those treats and what comes next..........
Now, let's not forget. Our babe's enjoy working for their treat, they strive to please us. Let us not deprive them of their training and well deserved reward. Let Fido do a job, so he will feel accomplished, before giving him his treat. Let it be Sit, Stay, Shake, Roll over or any command he has been taught or is being taught. Let him enjoy his treat after he done his trick or job. They love to grow their minds and you believing in them and rewarding them for the job is what they see, is a great thing. Just like kids , RIGHT. lol However, rewards are also ANY attention. Good or Negative.. stay positive my friend.
Yeah, let's not use this.
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